How Should I Code My Time?
How do I code my time for hours I report to a duty station?
If your work requires you to physically report to a duty station, you should code your time in PeopleSoft as you normally would. For most employees, this code should be Regular Pay – REG.
How do I code my time for hours while working remotely?
If you are working remotely, you should code your time in PeopleSoft using the appropriate telework code. For most employees, this code should be Telework (Situational) - STTW.
What if I work overtime?
If you are a union employee, your overtime will be added automatically. If you are a non-union employee covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), use Overtime for TimeKeepers – OT to record all overtime hours. If you are exempt from FLSA, use Exempt Time Off Earned - ETE. Not all employees are eligible for overtime. Please see our guidance on Overtime for more information.
What if my work is related to the COVID emergency?
If you are conducting work related to COVID, whether teleworking, reporting for duty, or working overtime, you should categorize that time as a COVID Task. To find out if the work you are doing is related to COVID-19 see issuance I-2020-7, COVID-19 Timekeeping for more details.
Questions related to task tracking? Please send an email to: [email protected] and ensure that "COVID 19 Task Tracking" is in the subject line for routing purposes.
Questions related to payroll and timesheet submission/approval related to COVID-19? Please send an email to: [email protected] and ensure that “COVID 19 Timesheet Tracking” is in the subject line for routing purposes.
Questions or concerns relative to technical issues? Please contact the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) directly at (202) 727-2277 and choose option 1 for the OCTO HelpDesk.
Additional Information
Thank you again for your patience.
HR Guidance Updates
Our Human Resources Guidance for the COVID-19 Emergency has been updated with this new guidance along with additional amendments relating to administrative leave.