is brought to you by the Internal Services Division in the Office of the City Administrator. The site – which averages more than 1.3 million visits per year – is meant to be a simple dashboard for all DC Government employees to get to the applications and services they need in one location.
Internal Services is managed by the Assistant City Administrator who is responsible for overseeing seven agencies and specific functions of the OCA.
Our Mission
The Internal Services Cluster empowers agencies with the tools, technology, facilities, talent, and confidence to focus on the efficient delivery of programs and services for employees, residents, businesses, and visitors.
Our Values
In support of Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Core Values and Guiding Principles that: we are stewards for the District of Columbia; we are loyal; we are accountable; and we are respectful, responsive, and accessible, the Internal Services Cluster is firmly committed to:
We anticipate and respond to all client needs
We listen to exceed client expectations
We work smart and eliminate waste
We create value through inclusive innovation
We curate a culture of collaboration